The Star Wars Prequels Could Have Had An Effect On Solo: A Star Wars Story

The Star Wars Prequels Could Have Had An Effect On Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo: A Star Wars Story is set to tell us about the life of our favorite outer space smuggler before we met him in Star Wars: A New Hope. However, the new film would be quite different if the prequels had gone the way George Lucas originally intended. The original plan for Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith included a brief appearance by a child Han Solo, which, if it hadn't been cut, would have completely changed the direction that any future Solo movie would have gone.

The Star Wars prequels get a lot of grief, justifiably for the most part, for taking a crowbar to the story in many places in order to force references to the original trilogy that don't need to be there. R2-D2 is there from the beginning, C-3PO gets built by Anakin Skywalker, it gets awkward. However, there was almost an additional character from the main trilogy who appeared in the final Star Wars prequel. Originally, George Lucas had a ten-year-old Han Solo on the Wookiee planet Kashyyyk, being raised by Chewbacca. Child Han was going to even play an important role in the plot, by finding a piece of a droid that was still transmitting, allowing the Wookiee forces to track it back to its source.

Eventually, the scene was dropped, and with it, the inclusion of Han Solo in the prequel trilogy. However, had it been included, we certainly wouldn't be getting the version of Solo: A Star Wars Story that we're getting next weekend.

While there's a lot we don't know about how Han Solo's early life will be depicted since the movie isn't out yet, we have seen enough to know that Han and Chewbacca will meet for the first time in the movie, when the title character is much older than a 10-year-old child. The original trilogy never presented Chewbacca as a surrogate father, but if the prequels had done that, any Solo film set between the two trilogies would have had to deal with the concept. We don't know who raised the Alden Ehrenreich version of Han Solo, but it probably wasn't Wookiees. Clearly, if it had been, he'd have a much different origin than the one we're going to get when Solo: A Star Wars Story opens next weekend. Somehow the new movie would have to account for what we saw in Revenge of the Sith.

However, since the idea to include child Han was cut, the writers had a free hand in creating the backstory and figuring out how the relationship between Han and Chewbacca would begin. We'll get to see what the "officially" looks like when Solo: A Star Wars Story opens May 25.

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Halloween Almost Recreated The Original Movie's Ending From A Different Perspective

Halloween Almost Recreated The Original Movie's Ending From A Different Perspective

The following story contains mild spoilers for the new Halloween movie. So stop reading now if you want to go into the film completely in the dark. OK?

The creative team behind the new Halloween movie had painted themselves into a bit of a corner. Director David Gordon Green and his co-writer, Danny McBride, knew they wanted to continue the story after the first movie (and ignore all of the sequels that arrived after John Carpenter's classic). But the original film ended on a cliffhanger, with regards to Michael Meyer's fate. They knew they wanted to start their 2018 movie with Michael in a mental institution, but to do that, they had to rewrite the ending of the original. And they almost did. Green explains to Bloody Disgusting:

Even in the script going into production, we were going to refilm the end of the original film from a different perspective. We had this very complicated overhead view of Loomis shooting the gun, Michael going over and then the apprehension, assuming everybody was going to need a little bit to get back up to speed with where we are and we haven't seen the movie in a long time or we've never seen the movie, had to invite everyone to the party and that kind of thing. We kept pushing it off.

For those who might not remember the ending of the original Halloween, Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasance) enters the house while Michael Meyers is on his rampage, and fires bullets into the psychopath's body. Michael falls off of a second-floor balcony, seemingly to his death. Yeah, right. The camera pans down, and we see Michael, sprawled out on the ground. The next time the camera pans down, though, Michael is gone.

Here, watch it for yourself:

The story continues in Halloween 2, but this new Halloween wants to pick up at a different spot in the storyline, and David Gordon Green tells Bloody Disgusting that they even debated filming scenes with current Jamie Lee Curtis and a body double. But in the end, he says it was John Carpenter who talked Green down, stating:

This was Carpenter actually calming me down on set. I'm like, 'Nobody's going to know what's happening and where we're coming from.' He's like, 'Just trust 'em and leave 'em alone and let 'em figure it out.'

Sage advice. John Carpenter has learned, over the years, to trust the audience. They are smarter than you think, and you don't really have to hold their hand the way some filmmakers fear. And sometimes, you don't have to overthink it. Just let it be.

The new Halloween will be in theaters on October 19, and if you are a fan of the franchise, you should have your tickets already. Meanwhile, bookmark our 2018 Movie Release Schedule to see what else is reaching theaters between now and the end of the year.

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