Black Panther 2 May Be Looking At Donald Glover For A Villain Role


Black Panther 2 May Be Looking At Donald Glover For A Villain Role

While Marvel fans are currently reeling from the emotional ending of Avengers: Infinity War, it wasn't long ago that Black Panther was the MCU blockbuster on everyone's lips. Ryan Coogler's superhero movie was a massively important cultural moment, and made an insane amount of money at the box office during its long run in theaters. Questions revolving around the film's sequel instantly began, and now we may have an idea regarding Black Panther 2's potential villain. New rumors indicate who Coogler may be looking to to fill Killmonger's shoes, and now it appears that he's approaching none other than the great Donald Glover.

This potential news is sure to be exciting for both Marvel fans and those familiar with Donald Glover's already stellar career. Glover is one a serious hot streak now, finding wild success with his FX show Atlanta, his continued music career as Childish Gambino, as well as his upcoming roles in Solo: A Star Wars Story and The Lion King. He seems like the perfect talent to bring into the Black Panther franchise, so we'll have to keep our fingers crossed for the deal to come to fruition.

It's worth noting that reports of Donald Glover's potential involvement in Black Panther 2, which come to us from, are far from official. The moviemaking business is very fluid, and things change on a whim. While Ryan Coogler may once again be enlisting help from Donald Glover for the next Black Panther movie, he could easily be disinterested or have too busy of a schedule to allow the production.

If Donald Glover ends up signing on to play Black Panther 2's villain, it wouldn't be the first time he helped contribute to the franchise. While he didn't appear in the first movie, he helped Ryan Coogler work on early version of the script, and craft some comedic beats for the Marvel blockbuster. Considering how Glover's star power is only continuing to grow in his career's continued upward trajectory, now seems like the right time to get him a meaty comic book role.

Of course, there are some logistical issues to work out if Donald Glover ends up taking a role in Black Panther 2. The most obvious is that the actor has actually already appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He had a small role as Aaron Davis in Spider-Man: Homecoming, possibly helping to set up the inclusion of Miles Morales in the process. It's unclear if Marvel would have an issue with his dual roles. Luke Cage's Alfre Woodard also appeared as a different character in Captain America: Civil War, so it isn't without precedence.

Avengers: Infinity War is still in theaters now, and you can catch Donald Glover in Solo: A Star Wars Story starting on May 25th. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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